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Spinnaker Bay is Celebrating You!

Spinnaker Bay is Celebrating You!

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Something unique with our community here at Spinnaker Bay is our celebration of RAD, or Resident Appreciation Day. This is a day dedicated to you, the people that choose to live in our wonderful community. We want you to find comfort, inspiration, creativity, and whatever else you may need in your home. This day will be to help you feel even more at home with us here at Spinnaker Bay. 

This year, RAD will be falling on Thursday, June 22nd. For our celebration of Resident Appreciation Day, we have an entire day of activities planned out. Here’s what you can look forward to:

A RAD Morning

Bright and early at 7:30 am, a selection of smoothies and parfaits will be available in the lobby. No need to rush making yourself breakfast today, when a quick and delicious one will be ready as you head out for the day. 

A RAD Afternoon
At 1 pm, visit the terrace for some Hawaiian pizza for lunch! Tropical beverages will also be available to enjoy. Enjoy the fresh food and drinks and summer atmosphere.

A RAD Evening
To end off the night, we will be having our own movie night! If you head down to Harbor East Cinemas, we will be hosting a showing of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts right at 6:30 pm. 

Even if you are unable to attend, know that we all care for you here, and that we hope you have a lovely day. Happy Resident Appreciation Day!



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